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Espresso Branding

India, Tamil Nadu, Krishnagiri, Espreso

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€  {{ number_format(priceWithoutDiscount / 100) }}
{{ priceWhole }}
{{ priceFraction }}
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✓ Lekker bezig, je bespaart {{ subscriptionDiscount }}% op je koffie! ✓ Lekker bezig, je bespaart {{ roastersChoiceDiscount }}% op je koffie! ✓ Lekker bezig, je bespaart {{ activeWeightDiscount }}% op je koffie!
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  • Dosering

    20 gram

  • Volume

    48 ml

  • Extractie

    24 sec


Last year we were thrilled to offer you a creamy full-bodied coffee from India. This year will be no different. Another region, but still a typical spicy Indian coffee. Behind that curtain of creamy chocolate spicyness it showcases plum and vanilla like tones enhancing complexity and sweetness. Oeh, and flirting with milk is what it does best. 


Roast level
Origin India, Tamil Nadu, Krishnagiri
Processing Natural
Variety S795, Chandragiri
MASL 1500
Flavour Spicy, Plum, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla

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